“Dripping of grace, when animals are reported. In the extremely hot July, please receive our greetings from snowy highlands……” at the time of the 1st anniversary of Hixih group subsidizing impoverished students of Yushu, Qinghai province, the Qinghai Yushu No. 3 complete primary school sent a letter of thanks to show their thankfulness to Hixih staffs who subsidized them continuously.
This letter stands for the 339 zang ethnic impoverished students who were subsidized by Hixih group. They wrote as follows: “Thanks for Hixih’s help. In the terrible earthquake, many of us lost homeland, students lost their school, relatives and friends, those days were the darkest period in our lives. For the first time, we felt helpless and confused. It was Hixih that offered meticulous help to us both in material and spirit. ”
In May, 2010, Qilu Evening News held “Shandong elder brother” educaid care efforts. Chairman Niu Yishun immediately instructed Hixih office to connect with Qilu Evening News when he saw the news. He showed that Hixih must make contributions to this activity to help the students. Hixih chose Qinghai Yushu No. 3 complete primary school as aided school under coordination of Qilu Evening News and Xining Evening News. In order to use the money properly, Hixih sent staffs to Qinghai and made investigation with journalists and chose 339 orphans as aided students finally.
Hixih kept close touch with Qinghai Yushu No. 3 complete primary school to keep an eye on distribution and usage of the money and get the status of the students’ study and living condition to guarantee the money spent in the right way. Hixih group also authorized Xining Evening News to supervise the usage of money.
The subsidy not only solved difficulties of study but also helped them to learn about love and gratitude and added their confidence to challenge difficulties. They showed that in the future, they would bravely meet the difficulties to assure the kind people who care them.
At the end of this letter, the children wrote as follows: “Although you always say that it is your honor to share our sorrow and strength, however, dripping of grace, when animals are reported. In the extremely hot July, please receive our greetings from snowy highlands. We sincerely want to say ‘thank you’ through this letter. ”