中文版 English
2015/03/02  (hit: 次)
The district government give commendation to Hixih Group

In the morning of February 28, Yanzhou district government held the development acceleration meeting to give commendation to outstanding companies and individuals. Hixih group and Mr. Niu Teng were given Grand Prize and Outstanding Entrepreneur Honor in 2014.
In 2014, Mr. Niu Teng lead the company to struggle hard work adhere to high quality and efficient development with his advanced innovation ideas, established the industry, investment, medical sector collaboration to promote the strategies development, resolved a variety of difficulties and challenges, to achieve a stable, sustainable development, and achieved good operating results. Group annual sales income achieved 41.7 billion yuan, 780 million yuan tax paid, become the top one taxpayer of manufacturers in Jining City, have made outstanding contributions to local economic and social development.

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